29 minute read

Throughout my professional life as a software developer, I always vowed to never, ever implement concurrency mechanisms. I mean, the mere thought of such mechanisms had always haunted me. Too complex, too cumbersome, too many corner cases. This was the reason for, while designing the QED programming language, I bluntly ignored concurrency in the design. The idea of handling threads and company on top of my core concepts was too much a burden.

When I started to showcase QED last August, I opened myself to subjects tantalizing the programming language community. Reading about callback hell, or what color is your function sparked my imagination. I realized my programming language, without any thread-related feature, was so close to solving cooperative multitasking elegantly. This is where I finally learned the word coroutine (go ahead, mock me!) and inspected some implementations. Then it happened. The skies opened up, heavenly lights burned into my eyes and a choir of angels began chanting. After this epiphany moment, I urged myself to develop this new concurrency and coroutine vision for QED.

This article is a bit long, although filled with easily digestible code samples instead of dry text, in order to keep reading light. You may want to check out the conclusions in advance with these two online QED programs. The first one is a classic producer/consumer coroutines scenario (inspired from Simon Tatham’s “Coroutines in C” paper). The second example is more elaborate and present bouncing balls animated with coroutines. The user may add and remove balls on the fly, anytime.

These examples are fun to watch and by looking at their source code, you may intuitively guess how they work. The greatest reward though, in my opinion, is to truly comprehend the underlying concurrency principles lurking in the dark, and allowing such a simple coroutine implementation. So let’s start our journey…

With or without ‘new’

The actual concurrency and coroutine implementations are heavily based on a concept called type/function equivalence, which will be explained now using code written in QED. QED source code syntax is very close to C/Java syntax so I won’t spend time detailing it as it should be intuitive for most readers.

QED has its own VM (as of today), but for the sake of clarity, let’s pretend in this article that the QED compiler generates Java code instead of bytecode. The following QED function

int Adder(int a, int b) { // A noun as function name? Will tell why later on...
  return(a + b);

would usually translate to a similar Java method (having the same source code). The QED call

println(Adder(2, 3));
<further lines of code...>

would again do a basic translation to the following Java code.

System.out.println(Adder(2, 3));
<further lines of translated code...>

This is fast, straightforward, efficient… but not the Java code the QED compiler would generate. Please forgive in advance QED’s lack of optimization but Donald Knuth himself warned us that “premature optimization is the root of all evil”. I intend to present a further article on QED optimization but let’s no longer digress. The QED translation of the Adder function to Java would be

public interface AdderCallback {
  public void run(Adder _obj, int _ret);

public class Adder {
  public int a;
  public int b;
  public AdderCallback callback;

  public Adder(int a, int b, AdderCallback callback) {
    this.a = a;
    this.b = b;
    this.callback = callback;

  public Adder exec() {
    if (callback != null)
      callback.run(this, a + b);

    return this;

The QED “println(Adder(2, 3));< further lines… >” code seen above would really translate to

new Adder(2, 3, new AdderCallback() {
  public void run(Adder _obj, int _ret) {
    <further lines of translated code...>

That will work too but some of you would immediately ask “So what?”. First, this verbose Java code is generated by the QED compiler so you should not care about it as long as it delivers. More seriously, that translation now enables the following QED code:

Adder adder = new Adder(2, 3); // this is the reason for having used a noun
println(adder.a + adder.b);

Adder can now be used as an object instantiation type, using the ‘new’ keyword, as well as a function to call (without ‘new’ before). This is what I dubbed the type/function equivalence (TFE). The translated Java code for the above would be:

Adder adder = new Adder(2, 3, null).exec();
System.out.println(adder.a + adder.b);

For those who may ask, when invoked as an object using ‘new’, the Adder actual addition result can still be trapped by the QED ‘->’ operator followed by a handler anonymous function, after the new declaration. The handler function has complete access to its associated QED object through the _obj parameter and to the return code with the _ret parameter. The QED code

Adder adder = new Adder(2, 3) -> {
  println(_obj.a + " + " + _obj.b + " = " + _ret);

would generate the Java code

Adder adder = new Adder(2, 3, new AdderCallback() {
  public void run(Adder _obj, int _ret) {
    System.out.println(_obj.a + " + " + _obj.b + " = " + _ret);

Therefore, any QED function that you define can be invoked as an object (using ‘new’) or as a call (without ‘new’). As an added bonus, as classes can be nested in Java, QED functions can also be nested. Inner functions have complete access to outer functions environment. (EDIT: to delve more into type/function equivalence, follow this link!)

Perhaps the greatest feature of TFE is the unlocking of basic concurrency. Let’s see how it does…

Taming callback hell

The TFE principle does not limit to user-defined QED functions. It extends to asynchronous system functions (ASF) too! These system functions are of asynchronous nature: task scheduling, REST calls, file retrieval…

A basic example is the ‘void Timer(int millis)’ ASF. Its Java implementation is as follows:

public interface TimerCallback {
  public void run(Timer _obj);

public class Timer {
  public int millis;
  public TimerCallback callback;

  public Timer(int millis, TimerCallback callback) {
    this.millis = millis;
    this.callback = callback;

  public Timer exec() {
    java.util.Timer jTimer = new java.util.Timer();
    jTimer.schedule(new java.util.TimerTask() {
      public void run() {
        if (callback != null)
    }, millis);

    return this;

So, TFE equally applies to all ASFs like Timer. ASFs are invoked either as calls or as objects!

Writing a Timer call in QED

println("Start timer");
Timer (3000);
println("Counted 3 seconds");

generates the following Java code

System.out.println("Start timer");
new Timer(3000, new TimerCallback() {
  public void run(Timer _obj) {
    System.out.println("Counted 3 seconds");

The same console output can be achieved by invoking a Timer object in QED

new Timer (3000) -> {println("Counted 3 seconds");};
println("Start timer");

Its Java implementation shows that “Start Timer” is printed before “Counted 3 seconds” (the output would be similar to the one above if println(“Start timer”) was the first line).

new Timer (3000, new TimerCallback() {
  public void run(Timer _obj) {
    System.out.println("Counted 3 seconds");
System.out.println("Start timer");

Thus, for all ASFs like Timer, using them as calls makes them sequential.

println("After 1 second");
println("After 2 seconds");

If you want them to run parallel, you may simply write

new Timer(1000) -> {println("After 1 second");};
new Timer(2000) -> {println("After 2 seconds");};

Again, both codes generate the same console output.

When ASFs are used sequentially as calls, please not assume they become magically synchronous and blocking. This is really not the case as we’ll soon realize. The sequential QED code

println("Waited 3 seconds");

is translated to Java this way:

new Timer(1000, new TimerCallback() {
  public void run(Timer _obj) {
    new Timer(2000, new TimerCallback() {
      public void run(Timer _obj) {
        System.out.println("Waited 3 seconds");

You know what? Callback hell… is good. It’s just like fire. Running wild, it is an inferno. But when cavemen tamed fire, they used it to their benefit and conquered the world.

This is a nifty way to solve callback hell: to not deny its existence or usefulness but to let the compiler drift it away in the generated code you don’t care about instead of the QED source code you work with! No need in QED for extra async, await, promises… mechanisms that would only clutter the code. Just use the good old ‘new’ or not.

Unleashing concurrency in user-defined functions

Of course, user-defined functions and ASFs do not live in separate worlds. They freely mix together. What to expect from using both? Consider the following function:

// user-defined function
void HelloBye() {
  Timer(1000);  // async system function

A HelloBye call:


prints the expected ouput.

Bye  <after a second>

However, instantiating a HelloBye instance

new HelloBye();

outputs this:

Bye  <after a second>

Guess what? We just implemented concurrent programming. Due to the Timer call in HelloBye, the HelloBye function and its caller code executed concurrently.

To understand why this works, we will refer again to the generated Java code. The HelloBye generated code would be:

public interface HelloByeCallback {
  public void run(HelloBye _obj);

public class HelloBye {
  public HelloByeCallback callback;

  public HelloBye(HelloByeCallback callback) {
    this.callback = callback;

  public HelloBye exec() {
    new Timer(1000, new TimerCallback() {
      public void run(Timer _obj) {
        if (callback != null)
    return this;

The HelloBye call code would be this:

new HelloBye(new HelloByeCallback() {
  public void run(HelloBye _obj) {

It executes as expected because the printing of “Done” is performed in the callback, executed at completion of HelloBye.

The HelloBye object code would be this:

new HelloBye(null).exec();

This time, it is easy to see that the HelloBye exec function starts the timer but then returns immediately, allowing “Done” to be printed right after “Hello”. The Timer ASF is sequential within HelloBye (“Bye” is always printed a second after “Hello”) but is parallel with respect to the caller code execution (“Done” is printed a second before “Bye”).

This opens up a whole new concurrent world, achieved with just our existing tools, without a separate threading implementation (and new language keywords to digest). You can use ASFs in conjunction with ‘while’. The QED ‘while’ logic would translate as Java code acting like a while loop but handling callback hell correctly. This is used to implement a longer concurrent process:

int count = 0;

void RepeatWord(string word) {
  while(count < 100) {

new RepeatWord("ping");
new RepeatWord("pong");

println("Printing 100 pings and pongs");
while (++count <= 100) {

This code defines two RepeatWord objects, both suspending their initialization upon the Timer(2) line. Then, the console prints “Printing 100 pings and pongs”, 100 pairs of “ping” and “pong” (by resuming Repeat word initialization) lines and finally, “Done”.

Concurrency was implemented but not properly. The use of Timer here has serious drawbacks. We must set the same while count < 100 condition in two spots, we wait 2 milliseconds within each print line and on some implementations, there could be race conditions that would print two or more consecutive “ping” or “pong” strings.

We need a better mechanism to achieve this task.

We covered a lot of ground to get to this point, so it’s payback time! Coroutines are just perfect to solve all problems encountered in the above RepeatWord code. No need for dedicated QED keywords to implement them. A single CoList ASF with a handful of methods will do.

void CoList() {
  boolean yield();   // always returns true, practical when looping
  void end();        // yields and ends coroutine, never returns
  boolean process(); // returns true if yield list non-empty, false otherwise
  void remove(int index);

With coroutines, the RepeatWord example is much simpler, faster and clearer:

void RepeatWord(CoList coList, string word) {
  while(coList.yield()) {

int count = 0;
CoList coList = new CoList();
new RepeatWord(coList, "ping");
new RepeatWord(coList, "pong");

println("Printing 100 pings and pongs");
while (++count <= 100) {

The internal CoList implementation (ASF plus yield, end, process and remove members) would resemble this Java code:

public interface CoCallback {
  public void onCoCallback(boolean _ret);

public class CoList {
  private int index = 0;
  private CoCallback processCallback = null;
  private List<CoCallback> yieldCallbacks = new ArrayList<CoCallback>();

  public CoList exec() {return this;}

  public void yield(CoCallback callback) {
    if (processCallback == null)  // called outside of process() call
    else {
      yieldCallbacks.set(index++, callback);

  public void end(CoCallback callback) {
    if (processCallback == null)  // called outside of process() call
      throw new IllegalStateException("CoList.end cannot be called outside CoList.process call.");
    else {

  public void process(CoCallback processCallback) {
    if (this.processCallback == null) {
      this.processCallback = processCallback;
      throw new IllegalStateException("CoList.process cannot be called within another CoList.process execution.");

  public void remove(int index, CoCallback callback) {
    if (processCallback == null) {  // called outside of process() call
      throw new IllegalStateException("CoList.remove cannot be called within CoList.process call.");

  private void doNext() {}
      if (index < yieldCallbacks.size()) { // still within list?
      else { // list has complete, return from process()
        CoCallback pCallback = processCallback;

        index = 0;
        processCallback = null;
        pCallback.onCoCallback(yieldCallbacks.size() != 0);

The CoList function is used this way:

  1. declare a new CoList variable (CoList coList = new CoList();)

  2. add new object instances (new Foo(coList, …);). The QED objects must have access to the coList variable (for instance, as a parameter).

  3. within added object instances code, you must call the yield (or end if already done) method of your CoList variable (void Foo(CoList coList, …) {… coList.yield() …}). The first yield call will be add its callback in the CoList variable callback list and suspend the new QED function instance execution.

  4. when all QED function instances are entered, call CoList.process() to resume all yield calls sequentially in the CoList variable callback list until their next call to yield(), or end() to remove the coroutine from the list. The process() call will return when all callbacks in the list are processed.

  5. you may call process() anytime to repeat coroutine processes.

  6. you may call CoList.remove(int index) any yield call by their index, but it must not be done within a process() call (an exception will be raised if so).

Using these basic rules, usually cumbersome processes like fork-join models are now a breeze to implement (without any fork or join keyword, of course).

void CoFoo(CoList coList, string name, int limit) { // coroutine to fork
  int count = 0;

  while (coList.yield() && count++ < limit) {


CoList coList = new CoList();
new CoFoo(coList, "A", 3);      // fork task A
new CoFoo(coList, "B", 6);      // fork task B
new CoFoo(coList, "C", 2);      // fork task C

while (coList.process()) {

println("All done!");   // implicit join at while loop exit

will effectively print

All done!

Coroutines may return values as well. If we want all values to be returned before resuming processing, just move the CoList.end() call into handler functions.

int CoFoo(CoList coList, string name, int limit) {
  int count = 0;

  while (coList.yield() && count++ < limit) {

  return(limit); // return call instead of end (moved in handler)

int aCount;
int bCount;
int cCount;
CoList co = new CoList();
new CoFoo(co, "A", 5) -> {aCount = _ret; co.end();}; // CoList.end() at handler function
new CoFoo(co, "B", 3) -> {bCount = _ret; co.end();};
new CoFoo(co, "C", 6) -> {cCount = _ret; co.end();};

while (co.process()) {

println("Tasks A, B and C executed " + aCount + ", " + bCount + " and " + cCount + " times respectively.");

will print the expected output

Tasks A, B and C executed 5, 3 and 6 times respectively.

Let’s now refer to the code examples mentioned in the introductory part. The producer/consumer coroutines scenario declares a new CoList instance and adds a new Counter (producer) object and Printer (consumer) object. Each object execution is suspended upon a CoList.yield call. Upon each CoList.process() call, the objects resume from CoList.yield until the next yield call. When resuming, CoList.yield always returns true, which is practical to save one line on a ‘while(true) {…}’ construct. Upon resuming, the producer will generate a new number and store it in num, until it reaches 10 (num will be -1 after). The consumer will print num, unless num is -1. Each CoList.process() is within a while loop that ensures num is not -1. When num is -1, the program ends gracefully.

Since the QED programming language already includes an elaborate UI engine that enables all sorts of animations and GUI programming (that may be the subject of forthcoming articles), and since coroutines are natural allies for developing sprites and characters in games, I implemented a simple bouncing balls demo that uses coroutines within Ball objects for animation. This example demonstrates that in between two CoList.process() calls, you may add elements to and remove elements from the CoList internal list. This way, a CoList instance may handle a variable number of coroutines (down to 0). A funny test is to comment out the line “balls.remove(index);” in the removeBall method. A ball removed from the user will no longer disappear from the screen but its associated coroutine will still be removed from the CoList object, so it won’t move anymore. The ball will suddenly freeze on the screen forever.


I hope such an approach may help simplifying and democratizing the use of concurrency and especially coroutines, which deserve much more attention from developers. In the process, I also learned the valuable lesson to never say never in life!

