Statements in QED are delimited by a newline character or by a semicolon (which allows multiple statements to share one line).

Depending on your preference, you may add one or more semicolons at the end of a line without any adverse effect.

You can split a statement into multiple lines but be careful though; because semicolons do not mark the end of a statement, there are rules to follow. For instance, when splitting a binary expression, put the operator at the end of the first line, not at the beginning of the second line, like this:

Here, on the second line, if the plus sign was moved on the next line (“+ 5”), QED would split this statement into two statements, namely println("3 + 5 = " + (3 and +5 (also, an error would be generated for the first statement). So operators must end one line to indicate the statement continues on the next line.
